nucleotide, 522
physical and chemical structure, 524
plasmid, 526
polymerases, 548
properties, 548
properties of eukaryotic, 552
probes, 532
renaturation of, 528
repair, 64, 556, 612
replication fork, 552, 553
supercoils, 526
vaccines, 537, 538
DNA analysis
forensic, 535
DNA in chromosomes
replication, 555
DNA mismatch repair, 612
DNA molecules
alterations, 557
DNA polymerase II, 551
?DNA repair, 612
DNA repair deficiency
human diseases, 559
DNA replication, 546
discontinuous, 548
origin and direction of, 546
enzymology, 548
Inhibitors, 553
DNA replication repair
mutagenesis, 545
DNA structures
alternative, 526
DNA vaccine, 538
DNA-binding transcription factors, 455
Dolichols, 312
Dopa, 761
Dopamine (DA), 379, 508, 700, 732,
750, 761
Dopamine receptors, 763
Dopamine-jß-monooxygenase, 761, 895
Dopaminergic neurons, 761
Double-displacement reactions, 92
Down’s syndrome, 61, 218, 923
Doxorubicin, 553
DPC4, 612
DPF (diisopropylphosphofluoridate), 98
D ro so p h ila ,
2,3-DPG, 231
Drug design, 95, 542
Dubin-Johnson, 695
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy (DMD),
476, 539
Duct, 781
Duffy antigens, 168
Duodenum, 208
Duplication, 546
Dynamic syndromes, 478
Dynein (kinesin), 453, 482, 483
Dynorphinl-8, 734
Dyshetalipoproteinemia, 441
Dyslexia, 827
Dystrophin, 476, 480
E and NE
biological effects, 765
E-CAD, 612
co li,
regulation of pyrimidine nucleotide
biosynthesis in, 113
co li, se e E sch eric h ia c o li
c o li
trp operon, 597
E2Flbinding, 612
Eadie-Hofstee plot, 91, 105
EcoRI, 531
Ectopic ACTH syndrome, 760
Ectopic pregnancy, 792
Editing function of polymerase, 550
Edman procedure, 44
Edman’s reagent, 43
EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic
acid), 36
se e
essential fatty acids
Effector (ligand), 111
EGF, 714
EGF receptor, 611
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, 585
phenotypic features, 586
type IV, 586
type IX, 589
EIA (enzyme immunoassay)
homogeneous, 130
Eicosanoid, 700
Elastase, 103, 106, 127
Elastases (elastolytic proteinases), 182
Elastin, 54, 173
mature, 180
structure and function, 179
turnover in, 181
Elastolytic proteinases (elastases), 182
Electrolyte absorption
disorders of, 222
Electrolyte balance, 933
Electrolyte properties of amino acids, 27
Electrolyte transport
in cystic fibrosis, 219
Electrolytes, 202
Electromotive potential or force (emf), 72
Electron transport, 247
Electron transport chain
organization, 256
Electron transport complexes, 251
Electron transport system, 251
capillary, 41
Electrostatic repulsion, 52
ELISA, 129, 820
diagrammatic representation of, 129
vs. RIA, 130
Ellagic acid, 857
Elongation, 315
Elongation factor, 577
Elongation phase of protein synthesis, 578
Elongation site (RNA polymerase), 567
Emaciating illness, 332
Embryonic hemoglobins, 657
EMIT (enzyme-multiplied immunoassay
technique), 130
Emphysema, 582
Emulsification of lipids, 217
Enantiomers, 135
Encephalomyopathy, 268
End-stage renal disease, 511
Endemic goiter, 774
Endergonic, 69
Endocrine control of folliculogenesis, 790
Endocrine pancreas, 490
Endocrine system, 722
organization, 722, 723
Endocrinopathies, 512
Endogenous opiates, 735
Endometrial, other carcinomas, 611
Endometrium, 796, 798
Endometriosis, 796
Endomysium, 218
Endonucleases, 530
Endopeptidase, 214
Endoplasmic reticulum, 155, 580
/1-endorphin, 702, 734, 735, 742, 744
Endothelial cells, 332
Endothelial lipoprotein lipase, 218
Endothelin-1, 702
Energetics of the TCA cycle, 245
Energy deprivation, 290
Energy metabolism, 77
Energy requirements
brain, 226
Enkephalins, 203, 735
Enol, 523
Enolase, 97
2-phospho-D-glycerate hydrolyase, 232
Enteque seca, 884
Enteral nutrition, 26
Enterobacteriaceae, 191
Enterochromaffin cells, 362
Enterochromafin-like (ECL) cells, 24
Enterocyte cells
membranes, 211
Enterocytes, 199, 211
Enterohepatic circulation, 201, 217
Enterokinase (enteropeptidase), 214
Enteropeptidase, 202, 214
Enthalpy, 71
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